At the peak of devotion

Soumyabrata Roy

At the peak of devotion

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  • Soumyabrata Roy

    Gajan is a special folk festival, celebrated for bidding good-bye to the passing year in West Bengal, India. It is believed that the celebration leads to prosperity in the coming year (Bengali Calendar), wiping out all the sufferings and pains of the current year. Participants of this festival are known as “sannyasi” (monk). The word Gajan in Bengali comes from the word “garjan” or roar. Gajan is actually linked to persons who are related to agricultural community, directly or indirectly. They pray for the rains and better harvest. Most parts of this festival are celebrated on the midnight. There are many steps of Gajan, some of the primes are “Hajrha Bhasan”, “Phul Khela” (Playing with burning coals), “Bij bona” (Seeds sown) etc. Here at “Hajrha Bhasan” the chief monk performing special kinds of wacky dance and then dive single time in river and trying to escape in deep water, associate monks are forcefully taken him on shoulder.



Tehatta, Krishnanagar, Nadia, West Bengal, India

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